Prototype Quickly with Bootstrap for React
An intro to the react-bootstrap
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Get to know me
I am a Full Stack Developer and Front End Developer with a passion for creating responsive, dynamic user interfaces with well-organized backends. My eye for detail was built in world class Michelin starred restaurants and honed for technology at The Flatiron School. Let's connect and talk code!
Robert Keller
New York, NY
Skills I bring to the table
I started my coding journey by learning how to create mobile friendly, responsive websites using HTML, CSS and JS.
I develop fast, responsive SPA's using React and Redux. I use React daily for personal projects. I make sure my code is dry by creating reusable components.
I build backend services to be performant and scalable. Node.js and MVC design fits the bill for most projects, but I also know Ruby on Rails
I use GitHub in almost every project for version control. I am familiar with
the terminal and desktop
interfaces for GitHub
Clean design help a websites look and feel. I use bootstrap to help prototype quickly so I can spend more time working on custom functionality and design
I am available for freelance projects. Hire me and get your project done.
Showcasing some of my newest work
Built as a part of a Udemy course on React best practices complete with a NoSQL database powered by Google Firebase.
The application gives a burger restaurant an easy and creative way for customers to order a burger. You can keep track of past burgers as well through a user account.
React, Redux, CSS Modules, Jest, Enzyme
A DIY lover's paradise. Post DIY inspiration for other users including instructions and pictures. A React SPA built with a Ruby on Rails back end and PostgreSQL relational database.
Users can create a project and see projects shared by others as well as like them.
React, React-Router, Material UI, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL
An application tracker with the convenience of a Google Chrome extension. Users can track their application status and interactions they have had with a company in an easy to understand interface.
React, React-Router, Google Firestore
Check them out on Medium
Feel free to contact me anytime